How Can I Help My Child Read?

The last few years have impacted everyone, and especially our kids. As a result of the pandemic we are seeing more and more children struggling with anxiety and learning, if this is you, you are not alone! So many kids need help with reading.

Recently I have had more and more parents reach out with concerns that their child is struggling with reading or comprehension. They aren’t sure if their child is behind because of the pandemic or if it’s due to their anxiety or if there is an underlying issue causing the struggle. Honestly, it could be all 3 of these things or many more reasons. Either way there are some really practical things you can do to support your struggling reader right now.

What Can You Do?

First, grow their love for books.

Just because reading may be difficult it does mean that you can’t purposely grow their love for books. Read out loud to your child or introduce them to the world of audio books. Most local libraries have tons of audio books that kids can download and enjoy. There is so much benefit to “reading with our ears”. Audio books expose kids to different types of literature and vocabulary. They improve sentence structure and fluency in writing and can foster a love for books.  Check out your local library or audible to learn more

Second, break reading into smaller chunks.

Kids who are struggling with reading can easily get overwhelmed when they see pages full of text. Help your child break their reading into smaller pieces. Take turns reading sentences or paragraphs to each other. Encourage them to take breaks. Be aware that reading for struggling readers can be exhausting, so frequent breaks may be needed.

Third, start looking into assessments.

Ask your school what kind of reading assessments they have done with your child. Reach out to a local learning center and see if they have any free assessments that might give you a better idea of what is going on. Schedule a free consultation with us to evaluate your child’s reading level. We are thrilled to announce that we are now offering standardized reading assessments. These assessments focus in on your child’s strengths and weaknesses and provide you with formal documentation to take to your school for support and accommodations as needed. 

Don’t give up! No one will advocate for your child like you do, so start asking those questions!

Feel free to reach-out to us today for more information on how to support your child or to schedule a free consultation with The Brain Breakthrough today!


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