"I was an Adult Before I Realized I was Dyslexic"!

Dyslexic Symptom in Adults
  • Being a slow reader
  • Reading things 2-3 times in order to comprehend them
  • Struggles with spelling
  • Difficulty putting thoughts on paper
  • Getting lost, even in familiar cities
  • May still struggle with right vs. left
  • Difficulty getting the words they want out of their mouth 
Many times people reach adulthood before realizing they have dyslexia. As children and students they learn to overcompensate for their difficulties and find work arounds for difficult situations. For adults who are diagnosed with dyslexia there is often a since of relief in understanding why things have been so hard. There is also hope! Things can change, learning and reading can become easier! Learn more from our Brain Breakthrough Practitioner’s story! 
Savannah’s Story of Hope

It wasn’t until a few years ago that I would even identify as bein dyslexic. Despite the many signs in front of me, and the fact dyslexia ran in my family, it was never a label or official diagnoses I was given. There was something so oddly comforting about finally knowing that I had dyslexia. Part of the comfort came from finally starting to understand why learning, specifically reading, math, and comprehension, were so difficult for me. Another comforting aspect of my new realization was the hope of The Brain Breakthrough process. I was fortunate enough to have a prior awareness of this process, as several of my family members had already completed The Brain Breakthrough therapy with great success.

Brain Breakthrough Therapy Results

Participating in The Brain Breakthrough was the beginning of my healing journey. The process helped me to clearly identify several false narratives I had been living under—these narratives directly, and negatively, affected my self-perception and what I believed I was capable of (or, more accurately, what I believed I was not capable of). Further, the process helped me identify, and allow my body to release, trauma that was stored as a result of these false narratives. 

As a result of participating and believing in The Brain Breakthrough process I started to feel and observe tangible results. I started to enjoy reading for the first time and could remember what I was reading better than ever. I even experienced an increase in my physical balance in day-to-day activities. Most importantly, I started to have true confidence in myself around my ability to learn and experienced an undeniable increase in what I believed I was capable of achieving.

As a BBT Practitioner

Each of us knows instinctively, and science continues to prove, that our thoughts are extremely powerful. Therefore, a direct consequence of that truth, for better or worse, is that our thoughts about ourselves are extremely powerful. My approach to The Brain Breakthrough process allows the space necessary to identify these false narratives and faulty belief patterns. In addition to the Neural-Organization Technique and pattern-recognition sequencing aspects of The Brain Breakthrough therapy, I believe that identification of these lies, and negative triggers, is vitally important to a successful and sustainable outcome.

Savannah’s Passion

The Brain Breakthrough process tangibly improved my life in many ways. It is because of these real and life-changing results that I became a Certified Brain Breakthrough Practitioner. I am passionate about helping others identify and breakthrough the false narratives and limiting beliefs holding them back from living in their true potential. Whether you struggle with dyslexia or learning in any way, or more generally with stress and anxiety, The Brain Breakthrough is a wholistic process that can help you and is a practical and accessible tool at your disposal. I believe in and am committed to this process and continue to see incredibly successful outcomes. I will be there for you every step of the way and am living proof that you’re not alone, and that the dream you’ve always had is worth pursuing and completely possible!

Your dyslexic friend,

Savannah Shea

Click on this link to schedule a free consultation with Savannah BBT Consultation

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