Dyslexia Assessments


Dyslexia is not a reflection of intelligence; rather, it’s a different way of processing information. With proper assessment, we can provide targeted support and accommodations that enable individuals with dyslexia to excel in their education and beyond. Whether you’re a concerned parent, an educator, or an adult seeking answers, our testing and screening services can pave the way for a brighter future.

Our dedicated team of experts is committed to breaking down the barriers that dyslexia can present. We offer personalized assessments that go beyond just identifying dyslexia; we create a roadmap for success. By understanding and addressing the unique strengths and challenges that dyslexia brings, we help individuals harness their full potential.

Evaluation Steps

  • Our assessments start with an in-depth questionnaire and interview to go over family history, medical background, and educational history. 
  • The tests consist of cognitive and standardized tests evaluating phonemic awareness, rapid naming skills, reading comprehension, spelling, math skills, vocabulary, and auditory processing. 
  • A follow up meeting will be scheduled to go through the assessment and formal report.
  • Assessment without a written report costs $500
  • Assessment with a formal written report costs $700

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